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End of Season 23/24 Newsletter

May 2024         


Unity FC U9 Triumph in Trophy Final

Congratulations to the Under-9s, who confidently claimed victory in the Tandridge League Gold Trophy Final this weekend! Also, Congratulations to our U10s and U11s, who also made it to the cup finals.

As we wrap up the 23/24 season, seeing three of our teams in the Tandridge League Finals is a proud moment. We couldn't be prouder of all our teams and the incredible job our coaches Peter, Ikechuku, Jerome, Walter, Ebz, and Rowan have done this past season.  Their dedication and hard work have been instrumental in our teams' success. 

End-of-Season Teams’ Summary


The football season started with a promising 16 registered players, with two days of training per week, Thursdays and Fridays, for the U16s, totalling 144 hours for the entire season.

Despite facing a significant drop in numbers to only 8 to 9 committed players, our team showed remarkable resilience. We played some challenging games, winning several and losing 5. Yet, the same dedicated players returned, and we managed to play our football and secure a commendable third place in the league. I always believed we were the best team in the league, and we had a real shot at winning this league 23/24.


From Coach Walter


From Coach Ebz

The season started as exciting as any other, our first season playing 11-a-side football. It was a big step up for most of the boys, who had never played on a pitch that big before. So from then, I knew the season could go either way, either we would adapt very quickly and dominate the league or struggle with the challenges of playing 11-a-side football. Unfortunately, the latter happened, this was not too surprising as it was a similar story when the boys were u11s and played 9 a side for the first time. Back then they really struggled to adjust to the pitch size at first so lost a lot of games but near the end of the season, they started to win a few games and improve as a team so much so that when the boys reached u12 they dominated the league and were so much better that season. So I reckon next season when the boys are under 14s they will be a much better team/unit. 

All in all, definitely one of the most challenging season for me as a coach, were as a team we had many lows at the start of the season where I know many of the boys wanted to pack up their stuff and leave to find a new team but credit to them for staying the whole season and not giving up. The reason I believe this was due to our cup run we had mid-season, although we didn't get to the final, just the boys getting a few wins underneath their belt bolded a lot of confidence in them.

That great form continued unto the league and although we weren't winning, we weren't losing and were getting a lot of hard-thought draws that we would have definitely lost at the start of the season. To reward the boys for their brilliant form I decided to take them on a group activity to toca social, in the hope of improving team bonding.

After that, we got a few more wins and draws under our belt. To summarise I believe if the boys played like how they did towards the end of the season, next season they will be a hard team to come against. Thank you to all the parents, kids/players and everyone who was involved with the under-13s this season you guys are great and wishing you all the best. 

Lastly, before I forget the end-of-season awards:

Top scorer: Hamza with 34 goals

Top assiter: Hiyab with 16 assit

Most improved player: Darren

Best goal: Yannis vs West Wickham

Player of the season: Hamza


Our U12 team faced some unique challenges this season. Despite registering 12 players and following the same training system as the U16s, they were never able to play a match due to a lack of players. It was never possible to play a match because there was always a need for more players. Only 5 out of 12 players were available until the end of training without playing a match, which was difficult for many of the dedicated players to deal with. We are hopeful for the new season and wish the boys all the best for the season ahead.


From Coach Peter

Thank you 👍 all U11 parents and team. It has been a very good season for me and the boys. This team was about to collapse, and the parents and boys stood by me and supported me so that I could finish the season on a high. Thank you. I am really proud of the boys for not giving up on me. I Appreciate all U11.


The U8s also had a good season and won some matches this season. There were some challenges with getting sufficient players for matches. We wish the boys all the very best for the next season. 

A message to all parents from Coach Peter 

Well done to all our players who have represented the club this season. We have been impressed with the way you have all conducted yourselves on and off the pitch, and we are super proud of the development we have seen across the board in terms of ability and mentality. A huge thank you to parents for supporting us, and also representing our core values each and every week. Our focus now turns to next season, to make the club even better for our members!

As we prepare for next season, if you want to continue with Unity FC, please confirm and bring two passport photos this week when coming to training. THANK YOU.


From Coach Jerome

Throughout the season, the team has displayed moments of growth and development individually and collectively.

During the season, adjustments to the new players and their styles were apparent, but they quickly found their footing and demonstrated teamwork and trust. As the season progressed, their confidence soared, leading to impressive displays on the field and qualifying to a cup final.

While wins and losses are a part of the journey, the focus remains on development and sportsmanship. Each player contributed their unique strengths, creating a cohesive unit supporting each other through every match. 

The enthusiastic participation from both players and parents made the season a memorable one, filled with valuable lessons and cherished moments that will undoubtedly be the catalyst for the next season.


From Coach Ikechuku

I want to thank you all individually and collectively for your support and encouragement towards the feat we achieved this weekend. My special thanks go to Uncle Peter, who is not only a mentor but a father figure to me and the boys. I thank Mary for always keeping us up with our weekly fixtures and ensuring we either confirm or cancel a game. Thank you for doing that out of your busy schedules. 

To every parent here, thank you for standing by the boys and the coaches, even when we make questionable decisions that cost us some victories. Thank you all for your trust in us to improve not only the kids' footballing abilities but also inspire them to be at their best.

Words cannot match my feelings; everything happened fast, and it ended in praise.

We go again next season!

Registration for New Season 24/25 Now Open!

We would like to inform all our current parents that registration for our Sunday league teams is now open. 

Unity FC is a grassroots, parent-led, community-based club, and we have always prided ourselves on being the heart of the community. Over the past years, we have kept our subscription fees low; however, due to rising costs, we will need to increase them for the year. 

The subscription fees will be used to cover the costs of paying our professionally FA-qualified coaches and hiring pitches for training and matches over the cold winter months, and league fees.

We advise all parents to make a deposit to secure their child’s place in their respective teams. 

For more registration information, contact the Club Secretary by emailing

We Need Your Help! 

We are seeking volunteers to help us run the club! 

A small amount of your time could mean the world to children and young people in Unity FC. 

Do you have a background in accounting or finance? Could you help us as our treasurer

Could you help us with coaching or referring? No previous experience is required, as we can help you get FA-qualified training

Could you help us with securing sponsorships or grants

All of these and more are the things we need help with. 

Please get in touch with us today to help us run the club!!

For more updates, please like our new Facebook page

 Follow us on our new Instagram page: 

If you would prefer this newsletter in an alternative format please let us know by emailing us at

Call for Sponsors

Unity FC is a non-profit organisation, affiliated with the London FA and recognised Charter Standard Development Club. We provide local children the opportunity to play football, with all the social and health-related advantages that brings to them and to the community as a whole.

As a sponsor, you too can be a part of this!

We are currently looking for sponsorship for a number of our teams who play in the Tandridge Football League. We are also looking for sponsorship for hiring pitches and our training kits.

Sponsorship will allow us to hire pitches for training and home matches during the cold winter months, and buy new football kits, tracksuits, trophies for every player and much more. This is also a great marketing opportunity for local businesses and entrepreneurs.

As a sponsor, you will benefit from:

  • Your business name/logo on the shirt

  • Acknowledgement of your sponsorship on our website and social media pages with a link to your website.

  • Opportunities for reference to support of the Club in the sponsor’s publicity material

  • Knowing you’re supporting your local community!

If you would like to find out more about our sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Club Secretary:

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